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What is a Slot?

A narrow notch, groove or opening, as a keyway in machinery, a slit for coins in a vending machine, etc. Also, an allocated time for a plane’s departure or arrival at an airport.

A slot in a game is an area on the screen that is available to accept bets from players. There are several types of slot areas and they can be configured in different ways depending on the game type and its rules.

When slots were first created, things were pretty simple – punters only had to keep track of one or two paylines and symbols, and jackpots could only be hit by a specific symbol type. However, as online casinos developed and developers introduced numerous bonus features, slot machines became more complicated to play. This made it harder for punters to keep track of all the different information and options available, which led to a need for information tables (also known as pay tables) to be included in games.

These are the settings that determine which symbols appear on a reel, how often they appear and what their payout values are. They can be found on the information page of the slot game you are playing. You can usually access this by clicking a trophy icon or what looks like a chart or grid icon, although some slots have their pay table button accessed through the game’s Menu icon.